What’s a positive house and price

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What’s a positive house and price

What’s a positive house?

What’s the price of a positive house?

Let me tell you we design and build your positive house.


May you don’t know us yet, let’s have a quick introduction: we’re ERA architects.
Actually, I’m Esther Rovira, architect and passive house designer in Barcelona, Catalonia and Andorra for either passive houses, efficient houses and positive houses.
In this post ‘What’s a positive house and price’, You’ll find our professional recommendation.
I hope it helps you. Let’s dig into it!


Energy use

First, to secure an energy free house, you need to generate all the energy needed to deliver comfort inside.
As you already may know, we use the German Passive house standards.
The reason is that it’s the most trustful simulator to forecast how your house will behave in the climate you’re located.
However the Passive House Classic standards by itself doesn’t secure an energy free house. Only a cozy low-consumption home (which may be good enough for you and that’s great!).
If you want to add energy freedom, then you need to build your house by using the Passive House PLUS standards by using photovoltaic panels.
That will assure your house will generate all the energy needed when it’s sunny. Yes that’s right, only when it’s sunny.
May you need to be 100% self sustainable home, mind to check our coming soon post
Off-grid systems for your house’.


Passive house plus standards help us simulate the house’s behavior in terms of energy and comfort.
However, this German standards doesn’t say anything about water or biomaterials.
Considering water will be a scarce resource in the future, we do apply our own systems to save and collect water.
Mainly consists of: harvesting rainwater, recovering greywaters for gardening and treating wastewater for gardening.
May you wanna know more in detail, mind to check our coming soon post ‘How to save water in your positive house’.

Bio materials

Finally, if you want to consider the carbon footprint of materials and the construction process, you’ll need to use materials that are based on natural primary resources.
Consider only materials that have quality sustainable certificates such as ISCC plus (International Sustainability and Carbon Footprint) or RSB (Roundtable Sustainable Biomaterials).
May you wanna know all in detail, mind to check our coming soon post ‘How to build with biomaterials’.


So, basically, we use:

  • passive house PLUs standards (to secure comfort, low consumption and renewable energy)
  • our own water system (to harvest rainwater and recover greywaters and waste waters for irrigation)
  • Biomaterials (to lower the carbon footprint of the construction process and materials)



In our architectural studio in Barcelona we’re building positive houses all around Spain in 6 months in CLT starting at 1.900€/m2+10% tax (mind the date of this post to apply inflation rate!).


Our professional recommendation:

Our experience tells us that positive houses in warm-temperate climates like certain areas in Spain and Catalonia, have a very fragile balance between winter and summer.
You need to consider to hire an architect that is both: locally able to sign your project (meaning is registered in the country you’re building) and that’s also a passive house designer certifying her houses. Ask him when was his most recent house certified.

You may also be interested in:

Our post 10 keys to a Positive House.
On this new post, we’ll be summarizing the passive house simulator data that you’ll need to take into account to calculate your green house.


Hope this post ‘What’s a positive house and price’ is helpful!

Best of luck on your positive house adventure.
See you on the next post,



Architect in Barcelona able to work in all Europe #COAC 44234-8
Founder of ERA architects 

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By |2023-06-13T10:11:17+02:00December 7th, 2021|Passive House Architect Barcelona|1 Comment

One Comment

  1. maria 9 February, 2023 at 2:10 pm - Reply

    very helpful, thanks!

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