What is airtightness in the Passive House?

Here we show you the bases of hermeticity in the passive house.

In case you still don’t know us, let me introduce our studio: we’re ERA architects, the English speaking green architecture studio to call in Barcelona.
Actually, I’m Esther Rovira, an architect in Barcelona and a passive house designer for new sustainable builds and big green renovations in Barcelona and Catalonia.
In this post you’ll find all the essentials from our professional point of view.
I hope this helps you!


What is Hermeticity?

Hermetic means that it closes perfectly so that no air passes through.


Why an airtight house?

By not letting air pass, there are no infiltrations or air currents and therefore all the heat generated inside it remains inside because it cannot be dissipated.


Airtightness in the Passive House?

The airtightness in the passive house is the value that differentiates the passive house, since other sustainable seals do not include it in their efficiency evaluation criteria.
The Passive House determines that a house is sufficiently airtight from an interior-exterior pressure difference n50 of less than 0.6
This means that by putting the house at a pressure of 50 Pascals, the house will be able to infiltrate a breeze of no more than 0.6 m/s
This value is measured by doing a Blower Door test.


Our professional recommendation:

In our Architecture studio in Barcelona, ​​we recommend making houses with maximum levels of tightness following the passive house criteria defined by the Passive House Institute.


You may also be interested in other related posts:

Efficient Houses
Passive Houses
Wood houses


You can also view efficient and passive houses to compare their price using the CasaAPP configurator (be patient, the WEB configurator takes 3 minutes to load, if it doesn’t load, you need a more powerful computer) or also on Google Play (only for Android tablets).


Hope this is helpful!
Best of luck on this adventure.
See you on the next post,


Founder of ERA architects 

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