House renovation price in Barcelona

House renovation price in Barcelona in 4 simple steps:

1) Check that your location allows remodeling

You can check what type of affectation your home has by inserting the address in the Barcelona City Council LINK to do a previous consultation of works in your site. Making this query is not binding and does not force you to do anything, so do not be afraid to try different configurations if it helps you.
May you get a result of Comunicado Inmediato, the process is easy and fast.
In our architecture studio ERA architects, we takes between 10 and 21 days to present the project to the client according to the surface and necessary prior consultations. We count the time from the first payment. The professional architecture service includes: the first free 1hr meeting to understand your needs, taking measurements and photos, digitalization of the plans, proposal and digital presentation in our studio. If the client sees everything well and there are no substantial changes, in 10 days we have processed the Comunicado Inmediato handed in the Barcelona City Hall.
May you get Comunicado Diferido, count 1 and a half months before starting the works. If you get a Informe de Patrimonio, count between 3 and 12 months more before you start the works.

In our English speaking architecture studio, for home renovation in Barcelona we charge a minimum of € 25,000 VAT included if needed.
These price includes the design (with up to 2 project reviews), the Technical Report with the Architecture Institute and City hall (if necessary), technical visits on site, up to 3 material stores visits and the management within a turnkey construction (with our team of 100% suppliers and installers).
May this is expensive for you, you need to know that you will be able to find cheaper professionals.
We work to the maximum standards of quality, service and creativity.

2) Construction budget

The house renovation price in Barcelona depends a lot on what is to be done.
However to give you an idea, in 2024 it starts from 900€/m2 onward (plus 21%IVA).
Full bathroom starts from € 5,000 onward (plus 21%IVA in 2024).
Full small kitchen starts from € 15,000 onward (plus 21%IVA in 2024).

3) Construction time

A renovation in Barcelona for an apartment between 65 and 120m2 can take from 4 months onward.
To my experience, the speed of the site works can vary wildly if certain aspects are controlled:

3.1) Have a clear priority list

If there is more than one person making decisions about the renovation, it is very important that they agree on the list of priorities.
I have often met couples or up to 4 partner owners who had no basic decisions and this has lengthened, complicated and have brutally doubled the work (and budget of course).

3.2) Choose a good local architect that listens to you

Avoid the cheapest.
Check that there are projects done on the web, not just digital images.
Ask for real references. Speak directly with the manager to confirm synergies.

3.3) Get advise from the architect

Respects the chain of decision making and communications: owner-architect, architect-builder, builder-installer.
That means the property must talk to the designer to make decisions. These decisions will be communicated to the builder and the builder will communicate them to the person who performs each job in detail according to the architect’s quality standards.
If you skip this logic, the project can have serious incidents and expensive problems to solve.

3.4) Choose a good construction company

Ask for fixed budgets (not estimations). You will need a specific design layout for this.
Avoid jobs per hour.
Compare 3 quotes with exactly the same materials and quality standards.
Compare not only the price, but also the speed-to-answer and, of course, the synergies with the person contacted.
Avoid choosing the cheapest builder. Ask for references and visit previous works. Speak directly with the boss and avoid commercials.
I personally like to choose builders who get their hands dirty. So, if the builder arrives with a van, is dressed in construction gear and has their hands dirty from working; these are all very good signs. If the guy comes with a sportive car, a suit an expensive clothes: just forget about him.

3.5) Simplify

If you simplify the number of agents responsible for the project, you simplify communications and save problems, errors and many incidents.
In other words, try to find a team that offers you one of these added values:
– resolutive architect with a wide network of contacts
– architect who also offers construction management service or even a builder
– architect and builder team who have worked together before
– builder and construction manager are the same person
– head of the construction site gets his hands dirty and personally execute some works

3.6) Avoid changes during construction works

This is the last one and MOST important.
Do not EVER change thing on site, it makes thing more expensive, slower and can cause side effects errors.

4) Where do I start?

Put both of your minds together

When making a home renovation in Barcelona, you may start by sharing certain aspects of your future home with your partner following these 5 tips:
1) Define a list of basic priorities and one of desirable ones (if there is more than one person in the decision making, do it first individually and then put it in common. This helps to discover what each one wants)
2) Share images of spaces, furniture, colors… that you like
3) Define a maximum and comfortable budget based on the plan and real possibilities (money you have saved already is the best way to go!)
4) Meet with 2-3 architects, showing them all the previous information and invite them to share their thoughts.
5) Choose an architect who speaks clearly, creates trust and is honest (choose a local who speaks clear English. Communications gaps matter in such a process of building your home!)

Still lost? Don’t worry book a session with us and we’ll check which you which steps you need to take next.
Still not ready to book a session? No problem! Here my gift for you: 3 FREE tips for your renovation success.


Hope all this is helpful!
May you have more questions, feel free to add them in the comments below and we’ll answer them (then you’ll be able to help other people that might have the same struggle).
Best of luck on your renovation adventure.
See you on the next post,


Founder of ERA architects 

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