Cookies policy

At this web recopilem and utilise the information as we signify at our politics of privacy. One of the forms at which recopilem information is through the use of the tech nicknamed “cookies”. It WAS Archi , utilise cookies for several things.

What is a cookie?

A “cookie” is a small quantity of text that stores at your browser (like Chrome of Google or Safari of Apple) when sail for most of the websites.

What is not a cookie?

It is not a virus, or a Trojan, or a worm, or spam, or spyware, or opens windows pop-up.

Which information stores a cookie?

The cookies do not use to to store sensitive information on you, as a credit cards or banking data, photographs or personal information, etc. The data that save are of technical character, statisticians, personal preferences, personalització of contents, etc.

The server web does not associate him at you as a person but at his browser web. In fact, if you sails habitually with the browser Chrome and proof to sail for the same web with the browser Firefox, will view that the web no adona that is you the same person so that in reality is associating the information at the browser, no at the person.

Which type of cookies exist?

  • Cookies Technical: they Are the most elemental and permit, among other things, know when is sailing a human or an app automated, when sails an unnamed user and a proprietary, basic tasks for the operation of any dynamic web.
  • Cookies Of analyses: they Collect information on the type of navigation that is realising, the sections that more utilises, products consulted, time strip of use, language, etc.
  • Cookies Advertising: they Show advertising at function of his navigation, his country of provenance, language, etc.

What are the cookies own and the of third?

The cookies own are the generated by the page that is visiting and the of third are the generated by services or external suppliers like Mailchimp, Mailrelay, Facebook, Twitter, Google adsense, etc. Which

cookies utilises this web?

This web utilises cookies own and of third. At this website utilise the following cookies that detail at continuation:

Cookies own:

Onset of session: The cookies to induct session permit you enter and exit of your account of ERA Archi.

Personalització: The cookies aid us at recalling with which persons or websites have interacted, so that we can show you content related.

Preferences: The cookies permits us recall your ajustos and preferences, like the language preferred and your configuration of privacy.

Security: we Utilise cookies to eschew you risks of security. Predominately to detect when somebody this trying pirate your account of ERA Archi.

Cookies Of third

This web utilises services of analyses, concretely, Google Analytics to aid the website at analysing the use that do the users of the website and improve the usability of this, but at any case associate at data that could reach identify at the user. Google Analytics, is an analytic service of web loaned by Google, Inc., The user can consult here the type of cookies utilised by Google.

Esther Rovira is user of the platform of supply and accommodation of blogs WordPress, property of the North American company Automattic, Inc At such effects, the uses of such cookies for the systems never are low control or management of the manager of the web, can capsize his function anytime, and enter cookies new. These cookies neither report at the manager of this web benefit fits. Automattic, Inc., utilises besides other cookies with the purpose to aid at identifying and track at the visitors of the places of WordPress, meet the use that do of the website of Automattic, as well as his preferences of access at this, as it collects at the section “Cookies” of his politics of privacy.

The cookies of social meshes can store at his browser while it sails for https://it For example, when utilises the button to share contents of https://it At some social mesh.
At continuation have information on the cookies of the social meshes that utilises this web at his own politics of cookies:

We carry out actions of remarketing mediating Google AdWords, that utilises the cookies to aid us at offering specific online adverts based at anterior visits at our website. Google utilises this information to show adverts in various places web of third through Internet. These cookies are ready to expire and do not contain information that can identify him personally. Please Direct you at the advertising of Google Notice of privacy to obtain more information.

We carry out actions of remarketing by means of Facebook ads, that utilises the cookies to aid us at offering specific online adverts based at anterior visits at our website.

Can delete the cookies?

Aye, and no only delete, also blockade, of general or particular form for a specific command.
To delete the cookies of a website has to go at the configuration of his browser and there will be able to seek the associated at the command in question and behaviour at his elimination.

More information on the cookies

Can consult the regulation on cookies published by the Spanish Agency of Protection of Data at his “Guide on the use of the cookies” and obtain more information on the cookies at Internet, #

If it desires to have a main control on the installation of cookies, can install programs or complements at his browser, met as a tools of “Gift Not Track”, that will permit him elect those cookies that desires to permit.

This politics of cookies has been updated for the last time the 30-04-2019